Monday, June 09, 2008

Hospital Hill Half

Last weekend, my brother surprised me by flying up to Kansas City from Dallas to run the Hospital Hill Half-Marathon with me. I had been training for the last three months in preparation, and my older brother still managed to kick my ass in the race. I had to stop at every aid station along the route, because I couldn't handle his pace. I won in the end, though. As we were coming up on the last 50 feet, we heard this through the loud speaker:

"...Aaron Nordyke....and Garret Nord -- AARON AND GARRETT NORDYKE! WHO'S GOING TO WIN?!"

After hearing that, I did what any loving brother does. I took off at a dead sprint, devastating my older brother.

Results (out of 1815)
Aaron -- 1364th place
Garrett -- 1365th place


The worst part of it is that Garrett stopped 100m before the finish, allowing me to catch up, so that we could finish together. I'm an ass.